Airflow: 8400mm² Equivalent area 45 Db Dn,ew (Open Positon)

Passive Acoustic Wall Vent
Allows the introduction of fresh outside air into the room to disperse moisture, odours and
other airborne pollutants.
Use in noisy areas to reduce the amount of noise entering the building for a more peaceful
External cowl protects against excessive weather conditions and alleviates air blasts through
the cavity.
Controllable ventilation
External water baffle prevents transfer of water across the cavity.Cowl and external grille U.V.
stabilised to slow down the effects of sunlight.
Sound reduced by 45 dB with internal grille fully open
8,400mm² (84cm²) equivalent area
Cowl: 217mm L x 210mm H x 93mm D.
External grille: 166mm L x 160mm H.
Tube: 127mm (5′′) Dia. x 358mm L.
Internal panel: 172mm L x 172mm H.
Terracotta: DB-45AWV-T
Buff/Sand: DB- 45AWV-S
White: DB-45AWV-WH
Internal panel: Magnolia (may be painted or wallpapered to match décor).