2022 Ventilation regulation update
Doc F publication issued Dec21 starting 15th June 22
England Regulations have been released (15/12/21) and Scotland & Wales are currently under review. It is the intention that the updates ensure adequate ventilation of all types whilst the energy efficiency of housing is improved at the same time.
The Government’s proposals for the Future Homes Standard, which provides a pathway for highly efficient buildings that are zero carbon ready, better for the environments and fit for the future. Implementation of a full technical specification is scheduled for 2025.
Background Ventilation & Intermittent Extractor Fans (Formally System 1)
● For dwelling with multiple floors: Habitable rooms and kitchens: 8000mm2 EA Bathrooms: 4000mm2
● For single storey dwellings (e.g flats): Habitable rooms and kitchens: 10000mm2 EA Bathrooms: 4000mm2 EA
Sanitary Accommodation/Utility Room: No minimum
There are some sub-rules:
● Seek expert advice should the dwelling have a single exposed façade, or at least 70% of its openings on same façade, or the kitchen has no windows or façade for vents.
● If kitchen and living room not separate, at least 3 vents of same EA as for habitable rooms should be provided in that space.
● Total number of vents in habitable rooms and kitchen should be at least 5, or 4 if one bedroom property.
● If a bathroom has no window or external façade through which a ventilator can be installed, the minimum equivalent area specified should be added to the ventilator sizes specified in other rooms.
Continuous Mechanical Extract ventilation (Formally System 3)
Trickle vents should provide 4000mm2 EA in each habitable room.
Notes: The guidance for mechanical extract ventilation is suitable for highly-airtight dwellings only for the design, sizing and positioning of ventilators to provide effective ventilation using mechanical extract for less airtight dwellings expert advice should be sought.
Existing Homes
● Replacement windows should be fitted with trickle vents regardless of whether the windows being replaced had vents in them or not, if no background ventilation alternative is being installed.
● Habitable rooms and kitchens: 8000mm2 EA. Bathrooms (with or without a toilet): 4000mm2 EA.
● Addition of a wet room to an existing building: 5000mm2 EA.
● Addition of a habitable room to an existing dwelling (if existing room has less than 5000mm2 EA): 10,000mm2 EA.
● If the existing dwelling has continuous mechanical extract ventilation fitted then 4000mm2 EA is required in habitable rooms. In all cases there is now an Installation & Commissioning Checklist that needs to be completed and handed over by the installer, this includes background ventilation sign off. This Checklist appears in the Approved Document ‘Part’ F, as opposed to the separate DVCG (Domestic Ventilation Compliance Guide) which has been made obsolete.